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Lively Learning: Flashcards / Teaching Aids
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Limit: Two of Each Item Per Order

Grand Staff Lines, Spaces, Flats & Sharps:


Lines and Spaces Flashcards

Lines and Spaces
00372117…….$6.95 $5.5620% Off

Level: Beginning  /  Pages: 32 Cards, 64 Sides
Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   Long after students develop quick recognition of lines and spaces, game activites with these cards are useful for identifying intervals, key notes for key signatures, and many other elements of note reading and musicianship.

Grand Staff-Capers—A Musical Voyage Through the Grand Staff


Grand Staff-Capers
00372427...$10.95 $8.76—20% Off

Level: Very Easy, Studio or Classroom  /  Pages: 24
Size: 9” x 12”

SAMPLE Pages & Activities   Through the songs, Chris the Rhinoceros, Unicorn, Kiai!, My Dog, Sleuth Mouse Detective, Song of the Frogs, and A Musical Story, students practice symbol recognition, keyboard topography, different tonalities, rhythms, and, of course, creative skills. All lines and spaces of the grand staff are used—a few at a time. 

Chromatic Lines and Spaces
 $00372335...$5.95 $4.76— 20% Off

Chromatic Lines and Spaces

Level: 1 & Up  /  Pages: 32 Cards, Notes on Both Sides Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE  Teach scale and row formation, interval identification, chord structure, and more. Activity Suggestions included. 

Key Signatures & Triad Harmonies:


Key Signature Flashcards
00372118....$5.95 $4.76—20% Off

Key Signature Flashcards

Level: 1 & Up  /  Pages: 32 Cards
Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE  Teach immediate recognition of all major and minor key signatures. Includes all sharp and flat key signatures (treble & bass), and major and minor names on reverse. 

Chords In A Flash
00372436….$7.95 $6.36—20% Off

ChordsFLashChords In A Flash Flashcards

Level:  1 & Up  /  Pages: 50 Cards
Size: 4” x 6”

12 Major, 12 Minor, 12 Diminished, and 12 Augmented chords. Chord illustration on one side, chord names and notation on reverse side. Immediately acquaints students with the sound, look and feel of chords. Helps with lead sheet triad symbols, improvisation, and ear-training. Activity suggestions included. 

Major Triad Flashcards
00372119….$5.95 $4.76—20% Off

Major Triad Flashcards 

Level: 1 and up  /  Pages: 32 Cards, 64 Sides
Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE  These flashcards help develop students’ aural and visual recognition of basic triads. See also: Minor, Diminished and Augmented triad flashcards.


Minor Triad Flashcards 00372120….$4.95 $3.76—20% Off

Minor Triad Flashcards 

Level: 1 and up  /  Pages: 30 Cards

Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   These flashcards help develop students’ aural and visual recognition of basic triads. See also: Major, Diminished and Augmented Triad flashcards. 

Diminished Triad Flashcards
00372261….$4.95 $3.76—20% Off

DiminishedTriadsDiminished Triad Flashcards 

Level:  2 and up  /  Pages: 30 Cards

Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   These flashcards help develop students’ aural and visual recognition of basic triads. See also: Major, Minor, and Augmented Triad Flashcards. 


Augmented Triad Flashcards
00372260….$4.95 $3.76—20% Off

Augmented Triad Flashcards 

Level: 3 and up

Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   These flashcards help develop students’ aural and visual recognition of basic triads. See also: Major, Minor, and Diminished Triad flashcards. 


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